Bread, Make it! Bake it! Satisfying

Bread making when done consistently as part of your weekly routine becomes a joy you look forward to.
Do you desire satisfaction, and joy? I think our creator intended we make our own bread. Men do it, women do it and some young ones do it.

Appreciation for Bread making was instilled when I was a child, she made bread and rolls each week. Such satisfaction and we loved her bread and rolls. I never had the opportunity to learn her recipe a real disappointment for sure. Yes, she took pride in providing the most tasty beautiful bread.
Over the years I have met bread bakers. Most occosaional. Yet, those that do it each week have satisfaction and joy.

Tips for great bread…

  1. Add an egg, a bit of plain Greek yogurt, and honey.
  2. a 1/3 cup of unbleached self rising flour so you get a natural bread not so dense.
  3. consider replacing a cup of the flour w oatmeal.
  4. use unbleached flour. More healthful. Why? Research Bleached flour.
  5. making your own bread this way for sandwhiches, toast, French toast etc is a delight.
  6. teach your young ones how to make bread and it takes more than once, a routine of it. Let them get good at it and enjoy it. Earn a little healthy esteem from accomplishing something good.
  7. a bread machine or not?… If you have a bread machine use it. If you do not have a bread machine learn to work it in your own bowl. When busy I use a bread machine, when home I may or may not use the dough cycle of bread machine then raise in a large ceramic rectangular dish perfect for a bread loaf for sandwhiches.
  8. Bread machines can be found like new at any good will as they are expensive, bought with good intentions or received as a gift. Then tossed off to a resale shop.

There are many reasons to make, making bread a regular occurrence in your home. I was delighted to see Rihanna Giddens one of my favorite singers post bread she had made. My appreciation for her rised like a perfect loaf. People whom make bread regularily seem more grounded and natural. Can you try to implement it in your routine?
Written by Gina Rydin

September, All is not at a Loss! Goalsetters, Get Ready!

September, the beginning of fall, where will it take thee’, where can I go…?

September is the fourth to the last month of the year. The ninth month of the year, we still have time. Time is still on our side, if we get busy now.

What goals did you have for 2022? We can still amp it up a bit and get good results. Take time to consider what you thought was important. Are those things still important? Here are a few to improve all aspects of life.

We still have four Fridays and Four Sundays. No, we really only have three Saturdays. Confounding really! This is Monday, September 5th, 2022.

We can put our time to good use. Here are twenty things we can do in September that will help make the next few months go smoother. Make life more enjoyable. We can improve family life and become more satisfied if we just try a few of these or all of them. I would love to hear if someone tries them all consistently til end of the year. Is anyone willing to try all twenty? Yea!!! We can do this!

1. Any outside special cleanup and repairs for our home, property And vehicles. You can make that punch list. Weatherizing before cooler weather. Mulching, glazing, window washing, pressure washing, minor repairs or major. Getting them done will just feel good. It is cool enough to paint the house or trip to improve overall look of the place.

2. Maintenance to lawnmower, bicycles, other equipment. Wash, pump up tires, check the belts, chains, and fluids.

3. Put a check mark on our calendar each day when we get a 20 min or better walk or workout done. A smiley face if you like.

4. Weigh once a week like Tuesday and put that number on your monthly calendar each week. A record to reflect on helps quarterly, or sooner if need be.

5. Plan a trip, a short close by one for a long weekend. Or visit local zoos and museums.

6. Plan a couple Fridays or Mondays off to get some big domestic projects done over a long weekend.

7. Consider a totally new hairstyle, a new refreshing look. Do we still look like we did ten years ago? Can we grow our hair longer or cut it shorter? Go to a stylist and get some professional input. Just nothing high maintenance please. If your hair is already high maintenance can we simplify things and stop doing something that makes it high maintenance? Keep it nice, just try something new.

8. Is there something you can tweak about your diet that could help you feel an look better? A small thing. Cut down on the soda, or increase the water. Have smaller meals and include at least one or two veggie salads per day.

9. A reading goal, read some poetry or even the Bible five minutes a day. Something refreshing each day.

10. Call family weekly, you know the family that you rarely talk to, and you never hear from them. Just call! Say hi! It has been a tough couple years for everyone. Sorry for my neglect., what is going on with you? How is everyone holding up? Then listen. Express care and concern.

11. Time to pull out a hobby or craft, how about finishing that one you started a few years ago. I like doing little quicker projects while I have a bigger project. Keeps it mixed up so I don’t get bored. I do get bored, jump around, get nothing done. You should see all my wonderful drafts of articles I have written and not published. Boo Haw! I will! I really will honor them and finish them.

12. A basketball, tennis ball, or football? Take your pick, they can do nothing without you. Oh, really has it been years…it is not the balls fault. Your not crawling yet. Get busy with it, get active.

13. New recipes please, the food has gotten boring. I will elaborate in a different article. Challenge: Use a real cookbook you own and find a couple recipes to enjoy making.

14. Clean the car, go get it detailed unless your good at detailing it yourself. I am not good at detailing let alone anything else other than keeping gas in the car sometimes. I do respect those w clean cars. Maybe my self respect will improve as I improve. Imagine that equivalent to self esteem. Good decisions, good actions, good results, good esteem.

15. Look at the body, yea, the one in the mirror. Take measurements quarterly and keep track of improvements and the need to improve. I lost 8 inches just w tiny little exercises since last September with no weightloss. Amazing! Don’t obsess! Just do toning exercises. Weightloss, another subject as I have a lot to lose. Always trying, never denying, and one will never lose. Made up by me just now. Some of us could afford to deny less or more.

16. Driving, how is your driving? Do you speed, do you get impatient? Do you get up close to the vehicle in front of you? Do you mess with your phone while driving? We know what we do, distracted driving and accidents are real. Aggressive driving is happening all around us, we do not have an excuse even if the other driver is inconsiderate and rude. We are responsible for what we do. Tickets, accidents, all cost money and time. Keep a good record and you will feel blessed.

17. Gifts anyone? Whom doesn’t like a gift? A gift is nice to give or recieve especially without expectation. A loved one we reside with, can we pick up something not expensive yet meaningful they may like? Or, the gift of time, have they been nagging we get something done that we just almost refuse to do, just do it with a smile and love to bless them and yourself. Don’t make them ask again. They will appreciate what you do even more! Can you arrange with them a long lunch and meet for a light lunch or a coffee? How much does eye contact and a smile cost? Can we try to stop a moment each day and look at each member while they are talking, really see them, really hear them and w a thoughtful response of positivity to validate their concerns or expressions.

18. Board games anyone? I am game, I really love playing cards or a board game w my favorite people. You know whom you are. No phones at table it is rude! Relax, have fun together.

19. It is still early enough in season if you like to go boating or camping or kyacking. It is fun! I do not do those things but my friends whom do are always happy they plan the time.

20. The final Big One! Mathew 5:3 say Happy is the one concerned w their spiritual needs. Include time to Pray to the most High at Psalms 83:18 about all these matters to improve your life in all ways. He really will help you. As you know principles are the backbone of structure. Nothing good can stand without it. As we learn his principles and apply them in daily life we will see the good results.

This is September, we have 17 weeks until the end of the years. Let us finish strong and achieving much so we can gain the esteem that comes with good results. Good results come from consistent efforts.

We can Do It! Finish Well, improve our health, wealth, family life, friendships, environment, spiritual health and esteem. Joy will come, satisfaction will be our gift.

Your Author, Gina Rydin from Fat fit an Fab . Com

Checking In

We are sailing thru the third quarter of the year. How smooth is your sailing?

It is important in these tough times to maintain joykeepers in our routine.

The worldscene is in a devastating place right now and although we do not want to be obsessed we must be aware of what is going on globally. It seems we may feel hopeless at times when we see what’s going on yet we can pray for others in difficult situations.

The fact that we have our own situations can be challenging. There are those that are near and dear that we worry about. It is true we have our own responsibilities we have to care for. And sometimes our own situations can consume most of our time whether it’s financial responsibilities, life‘s responsibilities, shortage of time, funds or energy. It is hard to keep up, however we still have to make time to go out and get that walk to enjoy a little sunshine or read a bit in a book or listen to some good music. We can call someone that needs to hear from us. We can express love and care now. There are many things we can do to enrich our life.
We still have five months, approximately 23 weeks to accomplish self improvement goals. what goals have you set? To save a little, or to establish a new routine for improved rest, or to replAce one meal a day with a healthy salad, or organizing our paperwork so we can be ready for tax time early. There are many things we can do in this 23 weeks to be more organized and more healthy. Join me in this, I believe I will do this Eight Minute exercise routine every morning from today on. I found it on you tube. Now onto the joy keepers…

We could get a massage if you can afford it or a pedicure. It is vital to take good care of yourself. Giving more attention to our personal care routine like our hair, skin and nails once a week. Before bed I rub a nice jelly like lotion into my nail beds of fingers and toes, it is a way to acknowledge them each day for working so hard for me.

I enjoy being able to watch some PBS music shows. A great channel is JW Broadcasting on the Roku with some really positive and encouraging talks, movies, and beautiful music always free.

The walks can help take care of your physical health. Bible reading helps with my spiritual, emotional and mental health. Going out in the sunshine a bit always cheers me up.

Each month I try to find a couple new recipes to try. I want to make simple soups and not alot of it. A friend just recommended I try to go to bed earlier in the evening and I thought I would give it a try.
I am dealing with the exhausting effects of chronic illness. I have to rest more than I want. It is a joy buster having something interfere with your regular routine. Yet, I still try to include good things in my daily life. I want you to do that too.

I really want to know how you are you doing. Any new routine are you trying? Is anything new and different? Life is unpredictable and the sailing may experience much turbulence as the stormy winds and waves of life interfere with us maintaining our route. The problem is we must accept there will be storms for now, yet our efforts to Stay The Course will be blessed in due time. Keep up the joy with much prayer.

Written by Gina Rydin

Life is full of uncertainties, yet, we must find joy keepers to endure the trip and stay the course. This article helps us to consider some possibilities.

Endurance with Joy is a challenge. Let us consider a few possibilities.

Pandemic Dip

Pandemic Dip by Gina Rydin

It has been more than 18 months of a pandemic. Things have changed so much. Here are a couple things I have noted.

  1. We are learning to make do with what we have and no longer run out the door for items we may need as often. If I do not have it, My I have been learning to improvise more. This has been leading to a greater creativity.
  2. I am happy learning to make substitutions where reasonable and using what I have available. It is saving money and time.

My Pandemic Dip was created because of improvising. Try it, it is delicious.

1 Roma tomato

1 toe garlic

1 avacado

1/4 cup red onion

lemon an lime squeeze

1 cup Greek yogurt


red pepper, parsley garlic spice

salt an pepper

whip up in blender.

Pandemic Deficet:

if I had chickpeas I would have put in

I forgot to put in a shake of soy and Worcester sauce each.

Pandemic Dip by Gina Rydin