Whom is a writer? How to know if your a writer? Whom is not a writer? caution….

A writer is a writer when writing is all the writer wants to do.  When my mind is busy writing while I am walking, working about, driving, and dreaming, my mind is always writing.  I may not realize that I have poor English, and I may be unaware of my poor spelling, yet, my thoughts are rich, and my writing will take you places you never imagined you would go.

How do you know when you are a writer?  When you must write.  Are you a passionate observer of situations around you?  Do you remember with the greatest detail situations that happened decades ago?  Can you still smell, see, and feel?  Do you tend to see the big picture in situations, while minding the minutest of details?  Is there a point to what you want to write and express? What do you hope to accomplish in your writing?  These are all things that affect a writer.  Do you find yourself writing down thoughts, or details, do you write in journals?  Have others told you how great your writing is, and have they said, You should write a book.  Yes, you should be writing.

There is another sort out there, and they have a passion for writing too.  They have excellent sentence structure and spelling.  They recognize great work in an instant.  They just cannot write of their own originality.  There are two outcomes for this type of person, an honorable one, and an unhonorable one.

The honorable person that recognizes great work, understands good material, has great editorial skills.  They make great editors, and those of us writers need you very much.  In fact, there are writing managers with these great skills too, and they make all kinds of successful outcomes for the writer possible.

The unhonorable person is the one that also has excellent English editorial skills.  Yet, they are writing wonnabees.  They do not know how to come up with their own inspiration for writing.  They are quick to recognize talent, and they want that for themselves.  They copy and paste and expand on material to make a name for themselves.  Yet, they do not know how to write.  They surf blogs for inspiration and they steal from other sites. Plagiarism is not a thing of the past.  It is sad.

To the unhonorable person cruising blogs stealing and expanding, become honorable, become a manager so you can make great opportunities for the writers you spy out, and you will become successful yourself.

A creative person is not always the artist whose painting, it is the creative person that sees the inspiration in the work and purchases it to enjoy for themselves.  Creativity needs the artist whom produces, the gallery or manager that promotes, and the buyer whom appreciates.  The creative cycle at work for all.    By Gina of fatfitanfab.com