Jump start your Life.

Jump start your life. Quit dreaming and start living.  Let’s do it!  We can do it!

When do we start exercizing?  When do we start drinking more water?  When do we call our relatives an just visit for a half hour?  When do we clean the worst room in our house?  When do we stop an analyze our current spending?  When do we say, “I love and appreciate you…” to those putting up with us.

Changing our life for the better starts this moment.  If something on this list stands out more than another then it is what we need to focus on.

For me, revamping the current budget means I must look at all the bank monthly statements and the credit card bills.  Itemize.  What have we been spending on?  Why aren’t we saving?  What can we change?  I was able to cut our Dish cable bill $40.00 an still get the channels I love.  I will check on our phones an power, call the companies an see what they can do to lower our rates.

My Goal for this year is to “Get at it much quicker” and to be effective with a greater productivity.

This article is dedicated to my friend Elizabeth whom always encourages and supports me with my writing and Blog.  When you have a friend whom has faith in you, what else do you need?  Can we be more supportive to those in our life that want to start something new, like a new diet, exercize program, or clean up their life.  Can we exercize faith in someone whom wants to write, draw, paint or swim.  I know when someone has faith in me, it helps me to strive even harder, because, disappointing ourselves can be an easy habit to get into.  Yet, I do not want to disappoint another, I want to please an esteem.  Thank You Mrs. Byram, my friend.


Finishing a project can be so delightful. A short dress I added a bottom of a shirt to lengthen it. Gina at fatfitanfab.com