Mystery,what will he do?



Mystery, what is Lester to do?

    Mystery: What will Lester do?When your space is invaded, and you feel bullied.  What can you do?  A Bassett Hound is a known bird dog.  Laying down like a beaten dog is not the answer, typically Lester just sits there and barks.  Occasionally he will go after the roosters and hens.  There are times he is in his house barking at a hen that is eating his food.  My belief is Lester is resigned to the situation for now.  But, in your life, you do not have to be resigned.  There may be actions you can take for a not so mysterious outcome.

Street scene of storm overhead


Storm brewing overhead as we travel south on I10. By Gina at

The storm overhead was omninous.  As we drove south on I10 we were frightened and felt helpless with the impending doom.  Our radio was only static as we sought to understand weather conditions.

Life can be like that, a bit of news, such as the boss implies he wants to give you a headsup regarding an impending company downsizing, or a physical an bloodtest come back as abnormal which will change your life.  The devastion of the loss of a family member, financial stress, health or relationship problems can fill us with impending doom, no way out.  Our mind plays tricks on us as we deal with problems.

Our life will change, and we must seek ways to be resilient.  We cannot afford to get swollowed up in this devastation.  Our minds cannot work properly, analytically, to consider options in handling our situations.

Scarlet, in Margaret Mitchell’s famed novel Gone with the Wind had the right idea when she said, “I will think about that tomorrow.”  Although we would never want to procrastinate, putting off reacting to the pain may help us to handle taking some key actions in handling our situations.  Make time to deal with your emotions later in the week if possible.  This may sound unreasonable, yet if an action you take with a sound mind betters your situation it can also help your feelings about the situation.

I have storms in my own life to deal with and although I cried yesterday, today I have been taking neccessary actions.  This proactivness is empowering, although I may still have to face the inevitable, my chances for a better outcome are possible.  Optimism instead of grief or doom is the best medicine.

As we rode out the storm, it was very frightening, thankfully, we made it thru ok.





Home by Gina Rydin

Home, the question was, what do I think of when The word “Home” is mentioned.

It is not just a place to download.  I feel very at home when I am home.  Although there is alot I am interested in seeing and doing, I am still eager to get home.  Would you call me a homebody?

Some people are never home.  This is unsettling for most, life’s responsibilities keeps their time an energy consumed.  Yet, some do additional running from home with their children’s recreational activities.  Not only is additional money swallowed up, but time is swallowed up.  It is hard on the marriage, the budget and puts pressure on the children.  All this running, no one knows how to just relax.

Another form of running that interpheres with the good feelings that go with home is not planning errands well.  Some are bolting out the door for milk today, an toilet paper tomorrow, an food for dinner the next night.  Wasting time, money and fuel.  A state of unrest goes with always running out the door.

One time savor is using your cell phone an making a note that you will be needing orange juice, an goods for dinner tomorrow.  Your not out of orange juice, but it is near out.  After work you can pick up the couple things.  Then you can stay home.  Then you can have another list for payday, need pkg of tp, frozen goods, canned goods. An etc.  Your not out of anything an you do not have to be.

Although the purpose of being home is not so a person can be involved with their cell phone, computer, television or games for hours.

To be home is to live, be productive, relax, learn something new, play board games or cards with loved ones.  Tonight my husband an I had great conversation while playing cards.  I was able to share a draft of a short story I am writing.  He liked it and that was very stimulating for me to continue on.  The story has life to it.  Whether you are a family of one or a few, home can be a place of restoration, inspiration and peace.

Making time to focus on something else, to learn, inspires joy.  We have a family Bible study each week.  Learning together and hearing personal expressions of each brings a closeness and intimacy most long for.

Of course I feel hobbies enrich my life.  I am a person whom due to physical disabilities that require me to be home most the time.  Sewing, painting, writing, knitting while I still strive to practice an effective domestic routine.  Domestically, I can easily feel like a failure.  Today for instance, I have been elevating my right leg due to complications with my rt. ankle.  The lower fibia where the tendon an ligaments attach was injured last winter. There are still problems. There was so much I planned to do today.  I had Monday’s domestic work layed out, and some other things I wanted to do.

The fever in my right ankle and the swelling required priority care.  So elevated and iced was the routine today.  My face was wet with tears much of the day due to the discouragement of the situation.  Finally, being that I did not feel I could sew or do my domestics, I decided to put my words to paper of the story I have been writing in my head.  It flowed so beautifully.  Not bad for a first draft.  My mind is still writing it.  I will let you know when it is done.  Funny thing is, the story is also about HOME.

I like being here and people like coming here.  It is not perfectly organized, but the dishes are done, and the bathrooms are clean.  I like home, it is where I am, what I am, what I do, and whom I include.

Do you like being HOME?  What can you do to improve your home life?  Can you create a Life at home, so when you are there you are replenished?

Think about what home means to you.  Are there simple adjustments you can make that can improve your homelife?