Bread, Make it! Bake it! Satisfying

Bread making when done consistently as part of your weekly routine becomes a joy you look forward to.
Do you desire satisfaction, and joy? I think our creator intended we make our own bread. Men do it, women do it and some young ones do it.

Appreciation for Bread making was instilled when I was a child, she made bread and rolls each week. Such satisfaction and we loved her bread and rolls. I never had the opportunity to learn her recipe a real disappointment for sure. Yes, she took pride in providing the most tasty beautiful bread.
Over the years I have met bread bakers. Most occosaional. Yet, those that do it each week have satisfaction and joy.

Tips for great bread…

  1. Add an egg, a bit of plain Greek yogurt, and honey.
  2. a 1/3 cup of unbleached self rising flour so you get a natural bread not so dense.
  3. consider replacing a cup of the flour w oatmeal.
  4. use unbleached flour. More healthful. Why? Research Bleached flour.
  5. making your own bread this way for sandwhiches, toast, French toast etc is a delight.
  6. teach your young ones how to make bread and it takes more than once, a routine of it. Let them get good at it and enjoy it. Earn a little healthy esteem from accomplishing something good.
  7. a bread machine or not?… If you have a bread machine use it. If you do not have a bread machine learn to work it in your own bowl. When busy I use a bread machine, when home I may or may not use the dough cycle of bread machine then raise in a large ceramic rectangular dish perfect for a bread loaf for sandwhiches.
  8. Bread machines can be found like new at any good will as they are expensive, bought with good intentions or received as a gift. Then tossed off to a resale shop.

There are many reasons to make, making bread a regular occurrence in your home. I was delighted to see Rihanna Giddens one of my favorite singers post bread she had made. My appreciation for her rised like a perfect loaf. People whom make bread regularily seem more grounded and natural. Can you try to implement it in your routine?
Written by Gina Rydin