Pandemic Dip

Pandemic Dip by Gina Rydin

It has been more than 18 months of a pandemic. Things have changed so much. Here are a couple things I have noted.

  1. We are learning to make do with what we have and no longer run out the door for items we may need as often. If I do not have it, My I have been learning to improvise more. This has been leading to a greater creativity.
  2. I am happy learning to make substitutions where reasonable and using what I have available. It is saving money and time.

My Pandemic Dip was created because of improvising. Try it, it is delicious.

1 Roma tomato

1 toe garlic

1 avacado

1/4 cup red onion

lemon an lime squeeze

1 cup Greek yogurt


red pepper, parsley garlic spice

salt an pepper

whip up in blender.

Pandemic Deficet:

if I had chickpeas I would have put in

I forgot to put in a shake of soy and Worcester sauce each.

Pandemic Dip by Gina Rydin