March, March…moving forward..keep the chin up.

March is such a fine month. Although the effects of winter hang around for a good sum, we know we are nearing the end of it. Such happiness ensues when the beginning is right around the corner.
Spring is not yet here, it can be in our minds. Plant our gardens in our head. Fill pots on your porch or in garage or kitchen windows with seeds for tomatoes an pepper plants. Save money and get ahead of the game.
March is the end of a quarter and we always must try to get done all we can get done. There are taxes. Get them done. Tired of those awful extensions. Just get them done I am trying. It is hard sometimes.
March being the end of a quarter, I divide my life up in quarters. So I am looking around for “Near Dunn’s“ What are near Dunn’s? They are projects that are “near done!“. They bother you on a subliminal level annoying you, grating at you quietly as you pass by. The things your going to get to.
Life is full an busy. You just want to rest when you get home. You need time off. It is important to relax. Yet, relaxing is good to a degree however there is something to be cautious of, many studies show if you veg out in front of the television you are more apt to gain weight. It is not good for your mind or body. It can lead to dissatisfaction, irritation and frustration.
Did you know some just camp out for hours watching tv feeling they deserve it. It is nice to watch a couple programs we like. Some do it all day or all week end.
Satisfaction can come in small bits of time.
There are many things a person can do for greater satisfaction. Of course I am not talking to the perfectly organized efficient person, if I were I would say…Get a hobby! Seriously.
Imagine the evening hours starting with the nightly news, the world news, more news, game shows, a few programs you like. Yes, until the 10 pm news that can be 5-1/2 hours lost times however many nights you do it. Thirty days can be as much as 180 hours just an average per month. Not everyone does this. Some bounce from the tv to the computer back to cellphone back to tv. Oh my! We have all done it yet personally I consider it bad for my eyes, bad for my mind an bad for my body.
Back to my “near Dunn’s”. I still have 19 near done articles I have written I need to go finish and publish. Loads of paperwork to process. A dress that only needs the neckline and hem finished. Too many clothes that I need to thin down my stockpile. Clean out a few kitchen drawers. Finish staining some wood work. Finish my sons quilt.
March is a long month, 31 days. Five weeks to live in March, only four weekends, yet five: Monday, Tues, an Wednesday’s in March. That is 75 hours to get ahead on something.
Can you imagine a better spring? Optimistic is the simplistic and joyful way to approach spring.
Can you make a punch list of small or large projects that you can devote a few nights to and get done! Get them done! Satisfaction, no one can give you but you. Our creator gave us the desire to accomplish things and a mind to do it with. We really have to use it or we do lose it. Our bodies were meant to move, can we get at our obligations a little quicker with a little zealous intensity. I move so slow and feel very behind in everything, yet, I feel this strong desire to get things done. Yea! Celebrate. Satisfaction feels do good. I am working on my March Punch list to get things done. Then I think I will use empty time on my hands which I never seem to have : to work on my hobbies. Come on: make that March Punch List an get going!!! Satisfaction. Good Feelings coming. Beat the blues! Clear out the Depression. Get moving! March forward with Optimism. Make life more rewarding. Oh my! My house is a mess, I gotta get moving. So glad to have a plan. March with me, committ a few time periods each week an get some things done.

POST MARCH: I apologize I was unable to post my March article until now.

March was such a traumatic month for me having personal losses of loved ones. I learned how all we hope to do and be can be thrown off by trauma and unexpected events.

My hope is that you may be able to gleen some useful motivation. In retrospect, the subjects I talk about in the article I still practiced just at a greatly diminished degree because of all I was going thru. Read the article as I will reread my own article an see what I can still apply.

I am working on my May article it should be very joyful and motivating as spring is for most. Until then…keep practicing the good principles you know that will bless you and your family.

written by: Gina Rydin