Interests Consume Me!

How interesting are you?  Oh, I should say what interests you? Or may I say, what interests do you Pursue?  What interests do you put off?  I have a bad habit of imaging a better time.  It is common to wait for more favorable circumstances.  What do you just dream about?  How do you spend your free time?

You would likely like me to answer my own questions. It is only right that I offer it up and maybe it will bring us all to some worthy conclusions.

I have many interests.  Many seem impossible or difficult to pursue.  To far away, no one to take me, too expensive, no one else wants to go.  A museum or a historic home walk are just a few.

Dealing with Chronic Illness causes me to want more favorable circumstances like, when I feel better or have some energy.  Is that a false positive?  Time and opportunity evade me.

The cost of putting off is that our esteem goes up and away like smoke.  We can feel angry at ourselves and be self critical.  Some days I feel anxious and sad because I did not get near to meeting my own expectations.

Unreasonable expectations are common among all.  Yet, unreasonable or not, striving to meet a goal accomplishes more than if we did not try to meet a goal.  This can elate us if we look at it correctly.

I prayerfully tried to imagine a generic day that included some basic routines practiced daily that could make my life more fulfilling.  It worked overall well.

I want to try it again to see, let’s say, I would like to practice it ten days and see how it goes.

Today, I cannot do a thing on my schedule.  I burned my hands and foot on a lightbox yesterday.  Also, later I had picked up a pot and hundreds of ants came out and got me.  On benydral, and using ice packs which are keeping me in a rather inactive state.  Decided it was a good time to finish this article I started a couple weeks ago.

A couple weeks ago I was so excited when I started this article. My delay in finishing it means I have lost all those thoughts and feelings that fueled my motivation.  Now, I have to contemplate where I wanted to go with this exciting subject.

Too many health problems and complications interphere.  You might understand.  For instance,  they did a heart cath almost a month ago. Two weeks later suffering fevers and fatigue and swelling at the spot of entry on my wrist I showed them at the cardiologist.  They were nice and all, not too concerned to get a culture and were just going to start antibiotics.  I told them my doctor would do the culture and has before, no problem.  They set my appointment up with the physician’s assistant for the next day.  During the night my abscess erupted and I was worried they would not get their culture.  Although fatigued, nautiousness with a fever and in bed til it was time to go to my appointment at 1:00 pm.  I wanted to stay in bed and not get up.  I went to my appointment.  The physician’s assistant refused to examine me and accused me of opening it myself.  I pushed my fingers nearby the area so she could see how swollen my wrist was.  She said “Do not do that and get your nails away from there”. I responded that my nails were not touching me and that I needed her to see I was still swollen and needed a culture done.  And as I expressed to her how sick I have been and the fevers she challenged me and said “are they greater than 101.5”?  I told her “what did I bother coming in here for, your accomplishing embarrassing me and helping me to feel totally stupid wasting my time”.  When my husband picked me up and I told him what happened he immediately took me to urgent care.  They took me right in, a doctor there did not hesitate to culture it and was shocked at how much pus and fluid came out.  He started me on antiobotics and he discovered I also have a urinary tract infection and a yeast infection.  He said you have plenty of reasons for feeling bad.  Get some rest.  I was amazed at how unprofessional and disrespectful the woman was and how professional and human the male doctor was.  Time and expense with running around.  If she had done her job I would not have had to go to the urgent care.   Didn’T I previously write about unnecessary complications in my article “Toil Toil”?

All that happened since I started this article.  Yesterday trying my perfect routine is when I burned my hands doing one of those items and got bit by ants doing the other.  Could be discouraging but it is not because I am happy that I stayed on my list.  Although I cried.

Today, being In this condition is detouring my efforts to accomplish anything.  That is fine.  This is life.  Try, try, and try again.

I have many interests and limiting them helps me to accomplish more in my favorite activities.  I love to design jewelry yet, making the space to do the craft, the expense for the tools and the costs of always being on the lookout for sales etc would clutter my life in more ways than I could feel rewarded by.   If I have the compulsion to design a certain piece for a certain outfit than I buy the materials and lay out the design and ask a friend to assemble it for me and they can keep what is left and have some compensation for their good craftsmanship as well.  They feel validated too.

If you want something to talk about then be involved with something.  A couple of my friends sew and we love discussing our projects and encouraging each other to finish something.  Spurring each other on.  A couple of my friends like to garden and although I am a lousy gardener it is always fun discussing and planning.  Checking with them about what they have growing in their garden.  If I might have something doing well it makes me happy.

I believe conversation comes easy when there are things to talk about.  Good, positive and upbuilding things the Bible encourages.  That is the best thing to talk about of course.  What could be more interesting than learning our creator plans to restore paradise right here on earth with peace worldwide and only those complying can enjoy life without end.  There is a free Bible study course on

Despite problems, we can have healthful interests and pursuits that bring joy and satisfaction.  Start now.

Author, Gina Rydin of



2 thoughts on “Interests Consume Me!

  1. How incredible to be able to see joy amidst your heartache! My heart is broken by the way you were treated although I’ve heard many horror stories of late about PA’s… Thank you for sharing all your encouragement. “My undeserved kindness is sufficient for you, for my power is being made perfect in weakness…”


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