I ate a doughnut and it was Fabulous.

Today, we stopped by a small doughnut shop.  What can a person expect when walking into a doughnut shop?  Temptation everywhere, right?!  No temptation, I already decided I would have ONE doughnut.  It was wonderful.

Saving up my sugars, I can have an occasional dessert.  How do I save up my sugars?  I have coffee with half & half, but no sugar.  I do not add sugar to anything and I do not do sugar substitutes.  When I make cookies, I make my own flour mix of unbleached all purpose flour, coconut flour, and barley flour. ( The barley flour I make myself by pouring a box of flour in the blender and pulverizing it until it looks like flour, it takes less than a minute.)  I use only 3/4 of the sugar in the recipe, and I add an extra egg.  This is not a recipe though, it is just how I can eat cookies that taste like cookies.   The substitutes cause me to feel I am doing all in my power to make healthy choices.  This way, when I really want something I can be sensible and enjoy it without guilt.

Let us continue talking about saving up my sugars.  When I make up some oatmeal, I use extra cinnamon straight with no sugar, and walnuts, and butter.  I drink tea without sugar.  The other day, I did have a dr. pepper when I was not feeling good, and it did help me feel better.  Usually, I do not have sugared beverages.  It all can add up to an increased waistline.  Perfection is not my thing, just reasonable in the circumstances I am in at the time.  At a wedding I will have a piece of cake.  One is enough.

Being a diabetic I strive to have good blood sugar levels and thus an A1C reading that reflects my hard work.  Exercise is critical whether it is taking a walk, or doing floor exercises, riding a stationary bike, or just raising the legs up while in a chair.  Safety first when doing exercises, everyone has their own unique situation.  I strive to start some form of exercise soon after having a dessert or higher carb meal.

I have an area set up in my home for exercise, I call it my Diabetic Control Center.  A ballet bar to keep me steady while I do some stretches or legwork my physical therapist instructed me in.  Light weights for my arms and shoulders.  Bands to help with stretching.  And a large mirror, which helps me to monitor correct posture and form.  It is a very cheerful area, there is no intimidation here.

Later, in the afternoon my youngest son, Brent, age 20 came in with a box containing a few doughnuts.  My husband reached in and got a doughnut to enjoy.  I already had my doughnut and therefore, I turned it down.  Being content, I just did not want any.  Was I tempted?  Yes, for a moment, then I remembered, if I eat a doughnut, I will have a doughnut around my middle.  No thank you.